The Journal of Philadelphia Waterfront Heritage & Archaeology

Current Issue: Volume 1 2016

Dear Reader,

AECOM has created a professional archaeological journal, River Chronicles, to highlight the over 1,000,000 artifacts and hundreds of features uncovered during archaeological excavations along the I-95 corridor in Philadelphia. The recovered artifacts reveal 6,000 years of history associated with the Port Richmond, Kensington-Fishtown, and Northern Liberty neighborhoods. Through our annual journal, you can experience the thrill of exploring evidence of Native Americans, nineteenth-century glassworkers and potters, and everyday life in their communities.

AECOM is conducting these excavations as part of the I-95 Highway Improvement Project on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. For more information about the I-95 archaeological excavations, visit

Best regards,

Stephen W. Tull

Vice President, Archaeology and Historic Architecture